IRON MAN THREE – A Stark Christmas Carol

An anxiety-ridden Stark must deal with control issues in the third Iron Man film, the third installment in shell-head’s franchise spun into a pulpy throwback thriller. Following a showing of the film, I was able to present on the movie’s themes, captured here in this audio podcast.

What’s fascinating to explore is what director Shane Black and co-writer Drew Pearce have to say about why they set the film and Christmas, as well as what good films should do for the viewer. It’s nicely resonant with what we often speak of here at Cinemagogue.We see what this recurring narrative has to say about life, identity, and friendship in relation to our own lives.

He solved the riddle of his heart in Iron Man, and sought to set up a legacy in Iron Man 2… but can Tony figure out just how to live TODAY?

(For our 3-part text review, click here.)


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