James Harleman is available for events, lectures, conferences, and preaching.

James has been blessed to host events, lecture and preach for over two decades. He has also been able to contribute written, audio and video content for Mars Hill Church, Acts 29, SALT, The Resurgence, Collide Magazine, speak in Florida at the Create 2:10 Conference, lecture at Wheaton Academy and more, partnering with other conferences and institutions over the years.

We’re passionate about this work and would love to collaborate with you! Below are suggested options for events, conferences and preaching. Cinemagogue is able to participate with existing conferences and work alongside other speakers, bringing these messages as part of larger events tackling a wider array of issues.

*Each engagement includes speaker’s fee, plus travel and lodging (if necessary). Use of multimedia including PowerPoint and film clips will accompany most presentations so facility should be equipped with requisite technologies. Questions and negotiation are encouraged to create opportunities and increase collaboration, so don’t hesitate to email us.

Suggested options are below. You can also download a printable brochure and a cover letter to show to your church or organization.

night_at_the_museum EVENING EVENTS

(two recommended options below)


Showing of a chosen film with preceding 15 minute overview of engaging entertainment and 15-45 minutes (as requested) unpacking the narrative themes and suggesting discussion points after film’s end.


90 minute lecture on the place of entertainment in culture, entertainment as idolatry, and the redemption of this space in our lives for God-glorifying edification and evangelism. This establishes the basic foundations behind things like Film & Theology with accompanying film clips and PowerPoint to share examples.


weekend_at_bernies (Fri/Sat option or Fri/Sat/Sun with suggested teaching)


Day 1 (typically Friday) Film & Theology Event
Showing of a chosen film with preceding 15 minute overview of engaging entertainment and 15-45 minutes (as requested) unpacking the narrative themes and suggesting discussion points after film’s end.

Day 2 (Saturday) Engaging Culture

– Session 1: Gospel and Culture
(definition of culture and a deep look at the role of church in culture in regard to our commission and interaction with the world)

– Session 2: Redefining Entertainment
(the place of entertainment in culture, entertainment as idolatry, and the redemption of this space in our lives for God-glorifying edification and evangelism)

– Session 3: Understanding Story
(unpacking a traditional literary understanding of story with the Bible narrative as the key to unlocking all narrative based on a biblical framework)

– Session 4: Answering Common Questions – includes Q&A
(addressing common concerns and objections in regard to cultural engagement with time for specific questions)

THREE-DAY EVENT: “The Full Monty”

Day 3 (Sunday) includes preaching at service(s)
select from options in Sunday Preaching below or suggest your own


450px-Any_Given_Sunday(two primary sermons suggested)

Acts 17: The Gospel in context

Preaching from Acts 17 and Paul’s sermon in Athens, we see an understanding of culture and religion that contextualizes the message to its hearers and should inspire modern day Christians to emulate in their evangelism

Eyes, Tongue & Heart

A biblical look that challenges Christian-culture presuppositions that lead to legalism, isolationism and a retreat from the world. From Jesus words in Matthew 15 and John 17 to the difference between profanity, obscenity and vulgarity, reclaiming a sense of gauging our Christian walk by what we DO instead of what we DON’T do, to be braving the waters instead of creating safe harbor.

Have an idea?

Don’t be afraid to dream and inquire.