CineMUSINGS Archive

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A TIMELY Endorsement

Fresh from the hit Disney+ show LOKI, the mysterious Miss Minutes gives the new Cinemagogue Book a ringing endorsement in this parody put together by some
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Sneak Peak at CINEMAGOGUE: Director’s Cut

Read the first few (ALL-NEW!) pages of James’ updated/expended edition of the book that started it all! Available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle 11-23-23! prologue: a
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It’s HERE! The Big Announcement we’ve been teasing over the last month… check out the Cinemaguy’s short video announcement about the definitive edition of the Cinemagogue

Something Wicked This Way Comes?

No, this isn’t a review of the Ray Bradbury story-turned-film… though we really SHOULD get to that some day. Great book, wonderfully fun movie… although we’d
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Like Unto a Thing of IRON (Fist)

“I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as

10 Reasons Superman’s Dad was RIGHT.

With Batman v Superman flying into theaters soon, and the MCU about to have a Civil War, the morality and ethics of “superheroing” is coming sharply
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14 movies for 2014: The Cinemagogue Lineup

Once again, it’s that time of year when Hollywood’s snobbery surfaces with Oscar-sized pats on the back for pretentious cinematic achievements that didn’t make much money… Okay,
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Oh God… You’re in my Fiction?

Nury Vittachi recently published an article on the Science 2.0 website entitled “Scientists Discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke“ and, while

Cutting to the Core: Finding the Meta-narrative

In 2008 I was asked to write an article for Collide Magazine. In a lot of ways this treatise on story served as a primer for