Stark Contrast in Seattle – IRON MAN 3 September 27

I may have been traveling abroad teaching on gospel and culture, God’s story and pop culture, and doing film and theology events for Elysium, Wreck-it Ralph, and Paranoia, but ultimately my heart belongs to the Pacific Northwest. For those who’ve been hoping for another Film and Theology event in my hometown, I haven’t forgotten you!


We’ll be hosting a showing of Iron Man 3 at Refuge Church in Lynnwood, Friday September 27th at 7pm. Join us for a look at Iron Man’s comic book history, a revisiting of the first two films and their themes, and a healthy look at the third film’s finale message about what it means to be a man, or at least an Iron one. It’s releasing the same week on blu-ray/DVD.


Invite friends and make it a great big event. The Facebook link is HERE.

He solved the riddle of his heart in Iron Man, and sought to set up a legacy in Iron Man 2… but can Tony figure out just how to live TODAY? An anxiety-ridden Stark must deal with control issues in the third Iron Man film and we’ll see what this recurring narrative has to say about life, identity, and friendship in relation to our own lives.

Film will be shown, followed by an exploration of relevant narrative themes for consideration and conversation. Join Cinemagogue’s James Harleman and others for this special event!


You could buy it an watch it on your couch, but it’s not near as fun. See you there! For those out of town, we’ll do our best to record and post the audio from the event.


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