Film & Theology 104 | A Tale of Two Stories

Essentially, it all comes down to Superman and Citizen Kane:

Are you tired of enjoying movies merely on a surface level? Maybe you should be! If you want to get “under the skin” of narrative, like a forensic investigator, what is the first metaphorical incision we need to make, and what blade do we use? As we look at how to crack the narrative code and continue our “how to” regarding all things Cinemagogue, we look at the north and south poles of plot by comparing Superman and Citizen Kane, and how all stories fall within the spectrum of this narrative geography.

Continuing our “how to” when it comes to all things Cinemagogue, this is perhaps the most important part in determining how our stories grasp at elements of THE story.

This is number 4 in the 100 series. If you haven’t checke out the previous videos, see:

Watch “Film & Theology 104 | A Tale of Two Stories” or download using options below, or check it out on YouTube.


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