Writer of KICK-ASS promotes Bible & Jesus?

Mark Millar J G Jones WantedWell before Wanted packed out cinemas around the world, I was reading screenwriter Mark Millar‘s writing run on Swamp Thing. Though I haven’t been religious in following this writer’s work, I have quite a lot of Millar’s comics and graphic novels in my home collection, including The Ultimates. He’d probably make the short list of my favorite comic book writers, which currently include Ed Brubaker and Warren Ellis.


With the film adaptation of his comic Kick-Ass coming to the screen this weekend (view the trailer) a friend from across the pond sent me this short audio interview clip at premier.org.uk where Millar is asked about why his work is often quite violent. It’s less than a minute, check it out.

I couldn’t splice the audio clip directly into this post, but open this link in a new browser to play it.

Although Millar answers the question, he also manages to squeeze in the primacy of the Bible and the center of the Christian faith as the crucifixion and resurrection. Needless to say, I now have a few more reasons to see this film… and buy the comic… and check out Millar’s upcoming work about the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming, American Jesus.

Needless to say, between Millar and my Nic Cage addiction I’m very excited for Friday…

UPDATE: it seems the website pulled the audio clip (possibly due to the film’s controvery?) but I did discover a link to an article about Millar and the film that again reference that he is a “lay preacher”. Wild. Warning: much like the film, the article contains STRONG language.

**SECOND UPDATE: the full morning interview with Millar and others is now up HERE .

  1. Dave Roper

    Saw Kick-Ass a week ago here in good old England. Very sweary, but a brilliant film. So funny, so exciting. An 11 year-old using the c-word is not everyone’s cup of tea, but really one of the best films I’ve seen ages. Like District 9 it shows you can do a lot on meagre resources if you have a good story and a fertile imagination.

  2. solomani

    I wasn’t going to see this, but will now. So if it’s terrible I blame YOU! 🙂

  3. James

    Sweet! Then I’ll blame the director Matthew Vaughn, he can blame Millar, and we’ll keep passing it on until someone blames the serpent or the “woman you gave me”… heh:)

  4. solomani

    haha! Indeed. Blame shifting + passivity = fallen man.

  5. solomani

    I just watched Kick Ass with my wife. I would rate it as the best superhero movie I have seen (coming in with Watchmen). Without spoiling it the two Biblical themes that come to mind are the wicked, no matter how successful they seem, will be brought to justice by God. And that justice will be related to their sin (violence in this case – much like God used Nebuchadnezzar).

    Violence is not as bad as I expected (Reservoir Dogs is about my limit and its not up to that level).

  6. Chris Needham

    link to audio clip doesn’t seem to be working?

    …you gonna post a review of Kick-Ass?

  7. James

    yeah, bummer – they may have pulled it…

  8. Simon

    I just watched Kick Ass with my wife. I would rate it as the best superhero movie I have seen (coming in with Watchmen). Without spoiling it the two Biblical themes that come to mind are the wicked, no matter how successful they seem, will be brought to justice by God. And that justice will be related to their sin (violence in this case – much like God used Nebuchadnezzar).

    Violence is not as bad as I expected (Reservoir Dogs is about my limit and its not up to that level).

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