thriller Archive

audio reviews

Experiencing PARANOIA with Liam Hemsworth

Paranoia debuted on Blu-ray and DVD this week, as well as a variety of other formats. While not the sharpest thriller tool in the cinematic toolshed,
cinema reviews

GRAVITY from down under

It seems the new film by Alfonso Cuaron orbited into Australia’s view before I could feel the GRAVITY of the hit film starring Sandra Bullock and
cinema reviews

NOW YOU SEE ME, Now I Review

“First rule of magic: always be the smartest person in the room.” On my recent Australian whirlwind tour, I shared a pint with Ben McEachen, who

I Wish You’d Never Been BOURNE

Spider-man 3 lacked a quality screenplay because they dropped some of the screenwriters and the director largely wrote the screenplay himself. While Sam Raimi is a
audio reviews

Adjusting our view of God

“All I have are the choices I make.” – David Norris, The Adjustment Bureau Really? Is this quote a truism about humanity, or a truth we really want
cinema reviews

No Man is a (SHUTTER) Island

When my friend and Redemption Group Pastor tweeted that this film was “EPIC,” his high-praise proclamation was even more intriguing to me than Martin Scorsese‘s trailer.
cinema reviews

KNOWING is half the battle…

Hello. My name is James Harleman, and I’m a Cage-aholic. I thought I’d given up on the Nicolas for good, but last week I fell off

TAKEN pt. 3: Our Father’s Relentless Pursuit

“Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers failed, what does that tell you about God?” – Tyler Durden, Fight Club (For the introduction

TAKEN pt. 2: Her Father’s Regulation

“A wise son (or daughter) heeds his father’s instruction, but a mocker does not listen to him.” – Proverbs (For the introduction to our series on