One Batch… Two Batch…


So over the last year or so I’ve been making the rounds of other faith-and-film podcasts, from Screenfish to Reel World Theology and Popcorn Theology. Sometimes it’s just easier and more fun to talk film – and faith – with friends! Sometimes you find a unique synchronicity, other times friendly arguments ensue, but it’s always fun. I figured it’d be good to link to them here…


Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, subjective ethics, law and faith, to kill or NOT to kill. I jumped in to share a few (spoiler-filled) thoughts with the crew over at Popcorn Theology.

Daredevil season one was my favorite piece of entertainment in any medium: of all the books, comic books, television and film I consumed, it topped the charts. I also consider it the best thing MARVEL has done, even above the cinematic universe (of which it ties in, of course). When the crew at Popcorn Theology asked me to jump in on a review of the second season, how could I resist? While in some ways it didn’t pack as powerful a punch as the first season, it maintained a consistent handling of the characters and an extension of the lives and situations. Jon Bernthal’s Punisher was outstanding and finally (while perhaps not within the narrative) but in treatment and handling BOTH these Marvel characters have finally received justice.


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