STIR UP THE GIFT: Encouragement for Storytellers

logo“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…” – 2 Timothy 1:6

What is the gift YOU’VE been given, what does that mean, and what part do we play in stirring, fanning, or nurturing the gift God has given us? And what does this have to do with Cinemagogue?

For the last several years I’ve been invited to deliver a keynote for the Storytellers Creative Arts Conference in Fort Naples, Florida. Last year I was asked to open with some biblically based encouragement for artists, from screenwriters to actors, dancers to painters, filmmakers to authors, even pastors and those on the receiving end of these  artistic endeavors.

The theme was “Stir Up the Gift” and I was asked to start with a story of my own. Since I’m heading down there this weekend for the 4th annual Storytellers Creative Arts Conference, I thought I’d share last year’s opening keynote address for our existing and aspiring filmmakers and storytellers here at Cinemagogue. Thanks for listening, and consideration… and by God’s grace, perhaps some inspiration.


Listen or download the audio below:

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