Happy Endings: Fantasy or Reality Check?

Does life itself have a resolve?

Spielberg’s assertions, accusations against Tolkien, Humpty Dumpty’s fall and Bryan Mill chasing after his Taken daughter all turn up in this excerpt from my friend and colleague Tim Schaaf’s teaching last week. I asked if I could post this excerpt as his point about fiction, our lives, the misconception of escapism and what Tolkien called the eucatastrophe all explain the heart of Cinemagogue in about seven minutes.

Bottom line? Men like Tolkien knew they didn’t need happy endings to serve as a break from real life; as men who spent time in the trenches of war and understood true hardship and terror, they knew humans needed these stories to serve as a reality check.

I wonder what sort of a tale we’ve fallen into?

I hope you enjoy this brief message as much as I did. For more from Pastor Tim, check out Refuge Church.

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