Redeeming Entertainment: Film & Theology 102

This is the 2nd in a series of WHY we do what we do here at Cinemagogue, examining stories and navigating narrative for the myths and metaphors they’re meant to be. As a follow-up to Film & theology 101 – where we looked at God as the Master Storyteller – we now look at our consumption of “entertainment” and how both the word itself and the way we engage can be so much more than many of us experience now.

I met a pastor back in 1999 who dismissed my excitement for seeing God in our fiction stories. He looked at me with mild disgust and said “I just watch movies for entertainment”. Somehow that sounded wrong in at least half a dozen ways, and God used that flippant comment to spur me toward what I now help oversee as one of my greatest passions. Take a little trip from the Moulin Rouge to the Merriam Webster, from the definition of a word to a defining way we can entertain the stories of our culture for ALL their worth. Don’t settle for the short-shell on entertainment: be entertained as you were created to be.

A lot of people ask “why” we do things like this website, so I hope to address the basic questions – and objections – in this 8-part instructional series. It’s my hope that it won’t just lead to edification and personal transformation, but ultimately replication leading to more glorification of the God we love and live for.

Choose from some viewing options below or watch on YouTube.


  1. Jairo Namnun

    Loved the cattegories, I’m quoting you on that!
    Pd, you should really try to answer your mentions! Not many of us are teaching how to watch to glorify. God bless you.

  2. James

    I’m happy to answer Jairo! I’ll try to keep up, sometimes I’m just in 10 directions at once:)

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