TRON proves ’82 debut was not the “end of line”…

tron-original-posterIn 1982, TRON was passed over for an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects because the Academy felt the movie “cheated” by using a computer (seven years later, The Abyss would win for it’s computer generated effects), showing how out of touch the Academy has ALWAYS been…

Meanwhile, in the real world… 28 years later, Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges reprises his role as Flynn in the upcoming Tron: Legacy, a film in which the son descends into the computer world his father created and – I’m guessing – likely winds up saving it. There is a reason this story has endured in the hearts and minds of the last few generations, and it wasn’t the acting or special effects…

Let’s see… a controlling master is seeking to deceive the world… to convince them there is nothing beyond the bits they can see, hear, and touch. However, a designer OF that world incarnates and walks among the people, performing miraculous feats and helping crush their oppressive ruler. He sacrifices himself to save them and then is seen ascending, his actions bringing light to a dark world. Is this the gospel? Not exactly, but in this lengthy audio review (with spoilers – come ON, it’s like three DECADES old!) I got to explore the narrative nuances of Tron with a live audience of about 400 filmgoers. Enjoy!

NOTE: The 30 minute audio exploration assumes you’ve watched the film and contains spoilers.

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