Punxsatowney Phil Can’t Keep Spirits Down…
Depending on your view, some “punx”
My good friends over at Mars Hill are hosting a film event where I’ll get to espouse the cinematic splendor and scintillating themes of the Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day. Although it’s always held a warm place in my heart, I also stumbled onto a great article by Justin Taylor that ascribes to it a greatness beyond my speculation. I’m not saying he’s wrong, but “One of the best films of the last 40 years…” is high praise indeed, and “required viewing for the course ‘Religion, Ethics, and Film'” made me realize I need to give this some above-average study and prep.
What do you guys think? Is Justin Taylor right? Of course, it isn’t lost on me that part of prepping will mean watching it over… and over… and OVER…
Not quite one of the best films of the past 40 years, but along with Airplane! and Some Like it Hot, one of the finest comedy films of all time. I am greatly looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the film and will watch it again myself in dilligent preparation.