sci-fi Archive
cinema reviews

James Harleman / November 9, 2012
“Everything changes, NOW!” – Wreck-It Ralph A short video review on why I’m angry at Disney, and why I loved their new movie, Wreck-it Ralph. In
audio reviews

First Class Should Not be Dismissed
James Harleman / September 18, 2011
A revenge-fueled mutant man befriends an optimistic dreamer who can read and control minds. Their views of mankind’s nature and possibilities for the future come under
audio reviews

A Final Bit about TRON: Legacy
James Harleman / June 7, 2011
Greetings, programs! As we’re steeling ourselves for a summer of mind-bending blockbusters that will take us from Ohio to Oa, I took one last visit to
audio reviews

TRON proves ’82 debut was not the “end of line”…
James Harleman / December 13, 2010
In 1982, TRON was passed over for an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects because the Academy felt the movie “cheated” by using a computer (seven

IRON MAN 2: The Legacy of Howard Stark
James Harleman / May 19, 2010
All I can give you is my knowledge. – Howard Stark From the opening, smirking speech Tony delivers at the beginning of Iron Man 2 to old

IRON MAN: well-suited for sequel
James Harleman / May 12, 2010
BIG plans for Tony Stark: this first video review of Iron Man 2 (below) is just a taste of what’s to come at Cinemagogue. As an avid

DISTRICT 9 showcases (un?)likely hero
James Harleman / April 5, 2010
As mentioned in my commentary on the Oscars and Cinemagogue’s Top 10 for 2010, the surprising gem District 9 ranked high on the list; although it didn’t

Faith & Sight in The BOOK OF ELI
James Harleman / March 30, 2010
As we finish our 3-shot review on The Book of Eli (click here for part 1) this last part includes SPOILERS. Curiously enough, I’d read the

3 Deep cuts & 3 fun slices of ELI
James Harleman / March 22, 2010
In our opening post on The Book of Eli (click here), I promised to carve out 3 points the film makes about man, religious power, and