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The Truth About Being Fantastic
James Harleman / October 1, 2012
– by guest contributor John Michael Trowbridge “Who am I Kylie… Why a fox? Why not a horse, or a beetle, or a bald eagle? I’m
cinema reviews

Another visit to The Cabin in the Woods
James Harleman / September 18, 2012
The talented Joss Whedon has a lesser-known hit this year, overshadowed by his colossal success with The Avengers. Whedon co-wrote The Cabin in the Woods, out today on
cinema reviews

Watching the Watchers of The Cabin in the Woods
James Harleman / April 24, 2012

audio reviews

The Worldview of an ELF (via Will Ferrell)
James Harleman / December 17, 2010
A special son raised in a Christmas paradise is sent south to a much harsher world where he sees the darkness in the world and overcomes
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Going UP?
James Harleman / April 26, 2010
In Pixar’s UP, an undeniably delicious treat for the senses, Carl Frederickson is chafing against the age-old aging process lamented in Ecclesiastes 12, and sets out

Does this movie KICK-ASS?
James Harleman / April 23, 2010
If someone told me it was possible to make a movie that was part Watchmen, part Superbad, and part Tarantino film, I’d have said they were
cinema reviews

How to Train your Content
James Harleman / April 21, 2010
Things have really taken off with Cinemagogue, from increasing emails to a a few interviews culminating in articles to more connections with writers, pastors and filmmakers.
cinema reviews

Bottle Rocket ain’t no trip to Cleveland
James Harleman / November 29, 2008
review of BOTTLE ROCKET by Zach Malm starring Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson directed by Wes Anderson, Rated R Bottle Rocket, the first film from Wes Anderson, of
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Cooking up Hope with Chef Ratatouille
James Harleman / September 26, 2008
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family’s wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic