comedy Archive

Never LEGO of hope for reconciliation
James Harleman / May 14, 2014
“Nobody ever said I was special!” – President Business In our last look at The LEGO Movie (soon to be on Blu-ray/DVD) there will be *a lot

Learning to LEGO of toxic lordship
James Harleman / March 11, 2014
The LEGO Movie might wind up on my short list for movie of the year, despite all the tantalizing offerings from Godzilla to Dinobots and myriad Marvel

LEGO and let God.
James Harleman / February 19, 2014
by guest reviewer Andrew Thompson Does “the man upstairs” desire us to simply follow instructions, going about our days and routines, thinking “everything is awesome”? Or
chick flick

Frozen’s Water Part 3: Where it MELTS
James Harleman / February 14, 2014
In Batman Begins, Rutger Hauer’s character leans over a young Bruce Wayne and tells the boy he’ll keep the company safe until the lad is old

FROZEN’s Water Part 1: Where it’s a GAS!
James Harleman / February 11, 2014
“Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled.” When the first previews came out for Frozen, I confess: it didn’t impress me. It looked more like a
cinema reviews

ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH orbits familiar themes
James Harleman / February 15, 2013
“I’m the brains and you’re the brawn.” – Gary Supernova Two alien brothers – one glory-seeking and fairly oblivious, feeding on the adulation of his fans,
cinema reviews

TED on arrival
James Harleman / November 21, 2012
a review from across the pond by Mr. Gareth C. Evans (TED is available for purchase on Blu-ray and DVD). It was inevitable that Seth MacFarlane would eventually
cinema reviews

WRECK-IT RALPH is a game-changer
James Harleman / November 12, 2012
Some of the most interesting narrative notes in the movie Wreck-It Ralph aren’t possible to discuss without racing into spoiler territory, which is why we left them
cinema reviews

James Harleman / November 9, 2012
“Everything changes, NOW!” – Wreck-It Ralph A short video review on why I’m angry at Disney, and why I loved their new movie, Wreck-it Ralph. In