text reviews Archive
audio reviews

Here’s the Gospel, for PEANUTS
James Harleman / May 1, 2016
Good Grief! I was SO impressed with the Peanuts movie that came out last year, despite inital skepticism that it would stray from Charles Schultz’s heart
cinema reviews

ANT-MAN: big lessons in small packages
James Harleman / April 28, 2016
Tell me what kind of man will I be? This fun, “smaller” Marvel movie about a heist spotlights a man seeking to be an example, but often

AGE OF ULTRON: 2 Avengers 2 Reviews
James Harleman / April 28, 2016
With the Avengers about to fall into a CIVIL WAR, it felt timely to post some reviews of their last gathering, with reflections on the Marvel

Yippee ki-yay, Merry Christmas
James Harleman / April 26, 2016
John McClane, officer of the NYPD, tries to save wife Holly and several others, taken hostage by German terrorist Hans Gruber during a Christmas party at
cinema reviews

THE WITCH: Agency for Eating Babies
James Harleman / February 28, 2016
While many Christians heard about the Satanic Temple’s support of Robert Eggers’ creepy 1630 horror flick “The Witch“ and ran the other way, I had the alternate instinct: the devilish
cinema reviews

The Gospel for Han Solo
James Harleman / December 21, 2015
(this review only speaks to the old films and the trailer for The Force Awakens: no spoilers.) I’ve written quite a bit about Star Wars… on
cinema reviews

The Ins and Outs of INSIDE OUT
James Harleman / November 13, 2015
Enjoy our video review or written review below: “After young Riley is uprooted from her Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions – Joy,
cinema reviews

The REAL Hero of BIG HERO 6
James Harleman / July 9, 2015
I must have been in the wrong mood when I saw Big Hero 6 in the theater. My recollection was “meh” but when I viewed it
cinema reviews

Guardians of the Galaxy Review: part 2
James Harleman / February 10, 2015
Life and death, frustration and loss..for a fun family film, Guardians of the Galaxy starts off with a a heavy tone that’s quite the contrast to