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Waking from INCEPTION

“What’s the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all

A SHINING Overlook with Stanley

My wife and I took a road trip from Seattle to Colorado and up into Wyoming to attend a conference and see Yellowstone National Park. With

IRON MAN 2: The Legacy of Howard Stark

All I can give you is my knowledge. – Howard Stark From the opening, smirking speech Tony delivers at the beginning of Iron Man 2 to old
cinema reviews


I’ll confess, I’m more than a little excited about the season finale of Supernatural tonight, the culmination of a five-year escalation of biblical proportions for the
cinema reviews

BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN’s ponderous ponderosa

I saw it, and – SHOCK! – it didn’t turn me gay. I know that a strange contingent of the conservative Christian community seems to think

Weak God, Limp Lucifer & Wooden Jesus

Although we discussed imperfect Greek gods, and modern myths of a “more fallible Creator” in the last post, the new Clash of the Titans DOES stray

Perseus damns the gods (Thank God!)

The gods need US! They need our prayers! – Cassiopeia, Clash of the Titans I mentioned in the first Clash of the Titans post that we’d

Clash of the CLASH of the Titans…

I was SO not impressed. Why did we need a remake of Clash of the Titans? And what about that inaugural tagline: “Titans will Clash”? Ugh,

Faith & Sight in The BOOK OF ELI

As we finish our 3-shot review on The Book of Eli (click here for part 1) this last part includes SPOILERS. Curiously enough, I’d read the