Author Archive

FROZEN’s Water Part 2: Where it’s SOLID.
James Harleman / February 13, 2014
“Can I say something crazy?” Disney’s Frozen isn’t just funny (we lauded the humor in our first post) and while we can enjoy great moments (like

FROZEN’s Water Part 1: Where it’s a GAS!
James Harleman / February 11, 2014
“Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled.” When the first previews came out for Frozen, I confess: it didn’t impress me. It looked more like a

LONE SURVIVOR’s Best Kept Secret
James Harleman / January 21, 2014
“If I die I need you to make sure that Cindy knows how much I love her… And that I died with my brothers – with

Film and Apologetics? Or: What We’re All About
James Harleman / January 19, 2014
I was recently asked to speak at an apologetics conference in Alabama, and my first thought was “why”? I talk about movies and God as storyteller.
cinema reviews

CATCHING FIRE Like Katniss Everdeen
James Harleman / January 14, 2014
“He could have killed me, but instead he showed me mercy. That’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay.” The Hunger Games trilogy is not
cinema reviews

Voices, CARRIE
James Harleman / December 17, 2013
– a review by James Harleman “We have become a taunt to our neighbors, mocked and derided by those around us. How long, O Lord? Will
cinema reviews

James Harleman / December 8, 2013
review by Australian extraordinaire Ben McEachen “Carrie had some sort of power. But she was just like me… like any of you, she had hopes, she
audio reviews

MAN of Struggles, Son of STEEL
James Harleman / December 6, 2013
Albeit a polarizing film for many, Man of Steel remains one of my favorite blockbusters of 2013. No, I don’t think the fight went on too
cinema reviews

Tigers, Elephants, & A Slice of PI
James Harleman / December 4, 2013
by guest reviewer Andrew Thompson The Life of Pi is a stunning tale that takes us into the story of a young man adrift at sea