CineMUSINGS Archive


J.J. Abrams gets new ALIAS…

No, I’m sorry Alias fans, your beloved series isn’t coming back, but I knew the headline would Garner your attention. With all of his success, however,

Putting Movies in the right FRAME…

How do we redeem our understanding of entertainment so it is mindful instead of mindless? I have my own cinemaphile’s ways of articulating it, but my

Prayers for Liam Neeson

In light of recent events, I can’t publish a multi-part review of Liam Neeson’s latest movie Taken without asking our Christian readers to bow in for

Cinema GO-GO…

Well, it’s officially back. With a few glitches and some streamlining to do, Cinemagogue is back on the cinematic wagon, kicking off with a multi-part review

Did anyone notice Frost was a werewolf?

While the Academy snuggles up to Frost/Nixon, the REAL world (who knows The Dark Knight should have been nominated for Best Picture) can see Frost-y Michael

The Final Word on 2008

Now that 2009 is well underway, the Cinemagogue reviewers are taking a moment to look back at our favorite films of 2008. To refresh your own

Romantic Comedies are of the Devil?

Part of Cinemagogue’s vision is exposing the truth that we let film, like a video pulpit, preach through narrative and influence how we think, feel, and

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

… who’s the greatest character of them all? Apparently, Tyler Durden is the greatest film character of all time, according to a recent poll. Durden, the

Narrative Dinosaurs Complain about Cinematic Evolution

by James Harleman Apparently David Kirkpatrick thinks that “the story” is in serious danger. I think he’s glossing over the past and afraid of the future.