CineMUSINGS Archive


Friend of Appa reviews LAST AIRBENDER

Note to Appa: you may not really know our friend here, but I’m betting bison to buffaloes you agree with him. I didn’t have the stomach

A SHINING Overlook with Stanley

My wife and I took a road trip from Seattle to Colorado and up into Wyoming to attend a conference and see Yellowstone National Park. With

The APOCALYPSE of Film & Theology

Are you anywhere near Seattle? You’re welcome to join us Friday in NE Seattle for a viewing of The Book of Eli in its entirety, followed

SEQUELS & FRANCHISES, berated & defended

My friend Elliot found a great article about blockbusters and summer sequelitis that’s worthy of a read. While I’m a fan of summer blockbusters and film

It’s Always Darkest before the DAWN TREADER

Narnia fans are getting a Christmas present this year… in 3D. The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer shows us a glimpse of

Getting LOST & our hero Shepherd

People seem as polarized as Jack and Locke (or Jacob and Smokey) when it comes to the season finale of LOST… and perhaps that’s appropriate. In

SUPERNATURAL meets the Fonz (with skis)

In the middle of fourth season, CW‘s enduring Supernatural had a daring episode that they titled “Jump the Shark”, dallying with a series-ruining concept but conveniently avoiding

Putting the HURT on someone…

Prepping for a lecture this Friday in Seattle following a showing of 2009’s Best Picture winner The Hurt Locker, and thought I’d try something new for the

1… 2… Freddy’s Coming for You…

With the new Nightmare on Elm Street haunting cineplexes tomorrow, it seemed like a good idea to resurrect a controversial topic. While pagan philosophy on the