CIVIL (podcast) WAR!

I’ve been making the rounds of other faith-and-film podcasts, from Screenfish to Reel World Theology and Popcorn Theology. Sometimes it’s just easier and more fun to talk film – and faith – with friends! Sometimes you find a unique synchronicity, other times friendly arguments ensue, but it’s always fun. 

CROSSOVER episode hosted by Reel World Theology…

cacw001Just like unexpected comic book team-ups, James Harleman (Cinemagogue), Mikey Fissel (Reel World Theology), and Steve Norton (ScreenFish) come together for a MARVELous episode on the latest installment from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: Civil War.

We have enough time to discuss timely Batman v Superman comparisons, Tony Stark’s inconsistency, Cap’s flawed ideology, and how much we loved Black Panther! Team Panther!

It’s a great dialogue appetizer to get the conversation started about this enjoyable film.

Download Episode 098 Here:

Reel World Theology #098 – CROSSOVER: Captain America: Civil War
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  1. Nathaniel Thomas McGill

    Love the site!

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