MAN of Struggles, Son of STEEL

Albeit a polarizing film for many, Man of Steel remains one of my favorite blockbusters of 2013. No, I don’t think the fight went on too long at the end… it’s the length I wanted this Superman/Darkseid fight to go on for in the fantastic, classic series Justice League Unlimited.

(seriously, this scene is similar in many ways and, well, awesome).

I don’t remember anyone complaining about how many people would have died in the Daily Planet in the above JLU video, or all the other collateral damage Superman would have technically caused, so no – I don’t waste time obsessing over the collateral damage in Man of Steel any more than I get upset about The A-Team classic show, or G.I. Joe cartoon, and how basically no one dies.

And no, I don’t think it’s weird that Clark takes a life, as he has done so in more than half the incarnations I’ve read or seen. And I already discussed the surface level judgements some have made in the false dichotomy of Clark’s two dads and a misread of Jonathan Kent in our text review.

So what more is there to say, or to explore? Well, we hosted a showing of the event and I was able to present on the themes and characters, now captured in this audio podcast. It’s not a bird or a plane, but it’s still Superman. Listen or download below.

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