It all keeps coming back to the BOOK (of Eli)

2009_07_26-the_book_of_eli-820Right now, Inception and The Book of Eli are battling in my mind for best film of the year. We’ve already visited the post-apocalyptic vision by screenwriter Gary Whitta and the directors Hughes with a multi-part review on this site, and even got to comment on Denzel Washington’s portrayal of biblical manhood (plus a few others) on the Mars Hill blog.

Recently, I had the pleasure of doing an event and captured an audio exploration of the film for those who’ve seen it and want to go deeper. I was even blessed to get a word from Gary Whitta through Facebook, reinforcing why we do what we do with this site, engaging culture to see our Creator’s metanarrative in compare/contrast with all stories.

NOTE: The 30 minute audio exploration assumes you’ve watched the film and contains spoilers.

  1. Alex Davidson

    Great review James. I was surprised you didn’t touch on the line “people had more than they needed.” it seemed like an interesting discussion point that in our society we have so much, yet do so little. However, Eli does so much with so little. I guess it spoke to me as a Christian that we get comfortable too easily and God never called us to be comfortable.

    Also, it’s very cool that Gary was willing to communicate with you and take interest in the site. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dave Roper

    I think Inception must pip Book of Eli for film of the year. Kick-Ass is surely in the mix as well. If the trailers are anything to go by, Skyline or Monsters might trump the lot.

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