The SUPER sequel to CINEMAGOGUE is here!

Love superheroes and cinema? This book is for you.
Ever wondered WHY they’re so beloved? Even better.

“You’ve changed things!” In 2008’s The Dark Knight, the Joker confronts Batman with this fact,but he should have credited Iron Man as well, as both films heralded an explosion of comic book characters at the movies. Entertainment changed dramatically in the 21st century, so film and faith commentator James Harleman sets his sights on superheroes to examine the evolution of Hollywood and franchises in this follow-up to the first Cinemagogue book.

Whether you’re religious or not, this book should intrigue with its exploration of recurring, resonant themes that pulse within the heart of heroic storytelling, begging the question: do they point to something more? And what happens if these themes are co-opted or corrupted?

Has Hollywood’s messaging gotten worse? Boldly exploring ways these marvelous mythologies correspond with conversion, Christian living, church history and reformation, James also highlights the entertainment industry’s darker, indoctrinating decade, as well as toxic fandom and the dangers of an immersion in pop culture that might drown us spiritually.

What does Loki tell us about culture’s view of God? Why does the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the “Infinity Saga” continually align with biblical themes? The Cinemaguy reviews each film and shows how individual movies express gospel parallels, while each “Phase” essentially reveals a multi-point sermon. He also explores DC, Star Wars, the Monsterverse and more. If you’ve enjoyed, or been enraged by, franchises in the 21st century, you’ll find something to resonate with or challenge your perceptions in this book. Without compromising scriptural truth, James sifts the stories and shows how we can reject, receive, and redeem ideas for personal reflection and Christian conversation. Whether you started with the X-Men in 2000 or just watched Deadpool and Wolverine (or enjoyed any superhero movies in-between) you’re bound to find interesting ideas to ruminate on, or start some super conversations with others.

About the author
James Harleman has written and taught on film and theology for over two decades at churches, conferences, and through the Cinemagogue website. He co-hosts the popular Popcorn Theology Podcast, pastors a church, and in his spare time enjoys cosplay, comic books and—of course—movies.

CINEMAGOGUE: The MARVEL-Us Era… How the 21st century has transformed storytelling—for better and for worseand how we can use it for God’ glory. 

This book will explore how the landscape of storytelling has changed since the dawn of superhero cinema and a franchise frenzy took the cinema by storm, taking an extended journey through the MCU’s shared universe and what we can learn through from the Infinity Saga and more.

“Before all your people I will do MARVELS, such as have not been created in all the earth
– God, Exodus 34:10

We also look through some highlights of their “Distinguished Competition” and other story universes that have made their mark over the decade plus, concluding with the darker side as franchises seem to be fizzling (why that is, and what that means). What happens when secular Hollywood learns all the wrong lessons from bad Christian storytelling? We now know the answer…

“I’ll sell my invention so that EVERYONE can be superheroes, everyone can be super! And when everyone’s super [laughs maniacally] NO ONE will be.” Syndrome, The Incredibles

With a bevy of quotes, a wealth of scriptures, and a smirk this book tackles the best and the worst of an unforgettable era of filmmaking, and points us toward a possible future where not only movies are better, but how we view them and use them are more exciting and best of all, redemptive.

Stay tuned for information on when it publishes and how you can get a copy (even a SIGNED copy!)

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