No Longer SOLO: Cinemagogue & Popcorn Theology

A Long Time Ago, in a Century Far, Far Away…

Prior to the turn of the century, I was mentored by a great guy who had a mind for film and theology, Mike Gunn, which ultimately led to the creation of Cinemagogue as a ministry in “the aughts”, with a website, and ultimately my published book in 2012. The online offerings and book subsequently inspired or aided other men, women and churches in their own variations of the theme, including voices and creativity that frankly outstrip my own talents.

In other words, I never assumed I’d be the Last Jedi.

As the 21st century hit its teen years, Popcorn Theology was one of these next generation inspirations, debuting with a podcast about the intersection of pop culture and theology. Richard Foltz graciously cited Cinemagogue as one of his influences, and they had me on as a guest in November 2015. Periodically popping in for a few other guest spots over ensuing years, Richard asked me to cover him during a hiatus in January 2018, so I agreed to co-host with David Lee for a few months. Frankly, I thought the rhythm might inspire me to some renewed efforts with Cinemagogue once my temp job ended. However, after prayerful deliberation (and some sarcasm, and laughter) we have opted instead to partner up!

The Han and Chewbacca of Popcorn Theology have decided to let old Obi-wan hitch a ride on the PT Falcon. My first official podcast as a permanent part of the crew is SOLO, which is funny since it marks a change where I’m not longer doing this solo…

Instead of launching a new Cinemagogue podcast, Popcorn Theology will, for me, become Cinemagogue’s podcast extension for the foreseeable future; I think the trio of voices and a more dialogical approach serves the future of these endeavors well. I hope those who’ve been blessed by Cinemagogue’s written and audio content will subscribe to the PT podcast and join me as I join Richard and David for weekly forays into film, television and more. Conversely, we hope to have Richard join me here with some written content as well.

Look for posts each week highlighting the weekly podcast, as well as follow-up written content inspired by our talks. We’ll also post links and updates in our Cinemagogue Facebook Page, as well as the Popcorn Theology Facebook page. And for those who like to talk more about the content, or simply dialogue about cinema and faith, join the Popcorn Theology Group (forum) where Richard, David and I interact with folks (and they interact with one another) on a broader array of movies and topics.

You’ve taken your first step into a larger world… 

These things also take time and money, so you can support Popcorn Theology on Patreon (and have a special voice including input on episodes) so check out the Patreon page here.

I’m looking forward to the help, comradery, and motivation that like-minded compatriots bring to these endeavors. Iron sharpens iron, (even moreso if you’re talking about Iron Man) so you can likely expect the insight and edification to reach higher heights than Cinemagogue ever has! Join us on our continued journey to “watch to glorify…”

…and remember: the force will be (no wait, scratch that that) remember: you are not a mindless consumer.

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