CineMUSINGS Archive


Wrong, Yoda Was

A Disturbance in the Force

As we continue exploring the Star Wars Saga (see the

Theology, FORCEd

The Force Unleashed

Hold please. This review series was supposed to be about Star Wars,

Solo Life Imitates LucasArts…

Will the “Real” Han Solo please stand up?

I was so upset that Han Solo sold out... (see previous post, "Confessions of a Star Wars Junkie")

Confessions of a Star Wars Junkie

Entrenched in a galaxy far, far away...

It’s the first film I remember seeing… vague recollections

These aren’t the 3D Droids you’re looking for

They must not have 3D in Switzerland, because nobody seems to be neutral about it.

A return trip to Earth X

Joss Whedon has a heavy cross to bear... namely the bulk expectations of not just comics fans, but the increased fan base the recent years

Coming to a Cinemagogue Near YOU…

Last year, I expanded my work with Film and Theology, movies and metanarrative, beyond the boundaries of the interwebs and local events, crossing the country to

Biblical Manhood/Womanhood in Pop Culture

Pop culture rarely yields a motherlode when it comes to examples of biblical manhood or womanhood, but occasionally you strike a narrative vein or sift metaphorical

Film & Theology 101

WHY do we do things like Cinemagogue? Why do we examine film, television, literature and theology against then narrative of Scripture? Lately, even more have not